About Professional Cleaning Services Wyoming

People that are too busy or tired to clean their own home can schedule a professional cleaning services Wyoming appointment. Cleaning professionals clean the counters, sink and floors in the kitchen upon arriving at the home. All flooring in the home is cleaned using a vacuum or mop. All surfaces are dusted and cleaned by the cleaning professionals. Homeowners will need to make sure the floors are picked up before the cleaning professionals come to the home. Read More 

Grandfather Clock Restoration: My Yard Sale Find

My husband and I love to check out all the local yard sales during the weekend. We find so many great pieces. Our style is very eclectic and our home reflects that about us. A few weekends ago, we found a beautiful grandfather clock. The clock was in rough shape, but I saw the potential with the piece. The previous owner gave us a fantastic deal that we couldn't pass up. Read More 

Used Commercial Coin Laundry Machines After The Flood

We had gone through a horrible flood last fall, and we had over one foot of water in our home. We lost everything like our furniture and appliances. We were able to save our clothing though. It was wet and needed to be cleaned, but at least we didn't need to replace all that. I had taken all our wet dirty laundry to a laundromat that had commercial coin laundry machines. Read More 

A Nice Garden Nursery in Aurora IL

There is a nice garden nursery in Aurora IL where I can find everything for my garden area. At the garden nursery in Aurora IL, they have potting soil, topsoil, plants, trees, seeds, tools, garbage bins, trimmers for bushes and trees, and they also have garden furniture and decor. One of my favorite things that I purchased at the garden center was a water fountain. It came with lights so that I can turn the lights on at night to feature the fountain. Read More 

Using A Commercial Laundry Service

Being a busy mom of 3 kids, laundry is one of the chores that never seems to end. Just when I think I have a handle on it, there is more dirty laundry to deal with. When I heard about commercial laundry service, I knew it was something that I should try out and see if it would help make my life a little easier. I located a commercial laundry service company that was within driving distance to my house and went to visit them. Read More